Features - What's Happening in Healthcare Administration?
January 2, 2019
Healthcare is the biggest industry in the United States. While the number of physicians has grown in tandem with the growth in population since the 1970s, the number of healthcare administrators has risen by 3,200 percent in the same timeframe, and that number is still set to grow further.
December 26, 2018
As Baby Boomers move into later stages of their lives, they will need more care; those who work in healthcare will retire, resulting in more demand for younger healthcare professionals. And as electronic health records become an industry standard, medical facilities will increasingly need administrators trained in organizational management and internet technology to oversee a facility’s operations.
December 14, 2018
Technological breakthroughs have helped increase life expectancy, which has resulted in a larger population of the elderly. Older populations face a unique set of social and economic challenges that require well-trained professionals who can make the experience of aging an enriching one.
November 29, 2018
Electronic health records (EHR) and other clinical software systems are the new industry standard in healthcare. However, plenty of clinics, hospitals, and private practices have yet to make the full migration. That’s where clinical application analysts come in.
November 19, 2018
Clinical research is an ever-expanding field. Professionals in this discipline develop medical products such as drugs and devices to improve healthcare, paying thought to important ethical and regulatory standards.
November 2, 2018
These influential healthcare business professors have been published in renowned scholarly journals and many of them have become heads of their departments, admired for their important research and professional experience.
October 12, 2018
Companies are increasingly concerned about the mental and physical health of their employees because happy and healthy employees create a more productive and efficient workforce, therefore increasing their bottom line.
October 10, 2018
Modern biology and biotechnology are used in cell and gene therapy, manufacturing pharmaceuticals, developing biomaterials, and processing fuels such as ethanol. Additionally, they contribute to research on cancer, infectious disease, and environmental factors.
October 1, 2018
Sitting at the intersection of law and healthcare is a group of talented educators who are experts in how policies shape public health outcomes.