Features - What's Happening in Healthcare Administration?

This features section explores career paths, professors to know, industry changes, and other forces shaping the experience of online MHA students. These features cover the realities of pursuing an online degree, including applications tips, internship requirements, scholarship prospects, and advice for finding a job upon graduation.

Check back regularly for updates, including interviews with program administrators, career profiles, and application tips.

Financial Management & Patient Outcomes in Healthcare June 6, 2023

Financial Management & Patient Outcomes in Healthcare

According to a report by Kaufman Hall, 2022 was the worst financial year for hospitals since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Median monthly operating margins were in the red for 11 out of 12 months, and approximately half of all surveyed hospitals finished the year with a negative margin. Despite the figures improving in December, many experts predict that expense pressures will continue well into 2023.

Improving Health Equity Across Coverage Types May 4, 2023

Improving Health Equity Across Coverage Types

American health insurance generally falls into one of two categories: public and private. Public insurance is run by and at least partially paid for by the government, while private insurance is often run by for-profit companies and paid for by employers and individuals. While all insurance types vary in how much they cost and what they cover, fairness in treatment shouldn’t vary simply based on who is or isn’t picking up the bill. Unfortunately, it sometimes does.

Fighting Bias in Healthcare: Racism & Xenophobia April 19, 2023

Fighting Bias in Healthcare: Racism & Xenophobia

Discriminatory practices have shaped many structural elements undergirding modern society, and healthcare is no exception. Racism and xenophobia can and do cause avoidable disease and premature death among groups often already disadvantaged (The Lancet 2022). These forms of discrimination are hardly relics from the past: some of today’s most cutting-edge technology has racist and xenophobic biases built into it.

Fighting Bias in Healthcare: Sexism & Gender-Related Prejudice March 30, 2023

Fighting Bias in Healthcare: Sexism & Gender-Related Prejudice

Research on bias outcomes in healthcare is relatively recent, with more studies performed each year as the problem can no longer be dismissed. However, research suggests that the difference in the type and level of care provided has less to do with overtly sexist healthcare providers and more to do with an unconscious process.

What Kaiser’s Mental Health Clinician Strike Means for Hospital Executives March 22, 2023

What Kaiser’s Mental Health Clinician Strike Means for Hospital Executives

Things didn’t end well for Kaiser Permanente when the open-ended, high-profile strike by 2,200 California mental health clinicians against the HMO finally concluded after ten weeks on October 20. The surprising way this strike resolved offers vital lessons for Kaiser’s top management and the executive team at every other United States healthcare system threatened by a strike.

Why Healthcare Employees Are on Strike February 1, 2023

Why Healthcare Employees Are on Strike

Union labor actions are facts of life in America’s healthcare industry these days. Since 2021, about 50 percent of the 140,000 employees who went on strike in the United States work in the healthcare sector. And right now, there are only two kinds of health systems where MHA and healthcare MBA grads are likely to interview for internships and jobs: hospitals vulnerable to a strike within the next 12 months, and those where a walkout is currently underway.

Could Amazon Become America’s Top Employer of MHA Graduates? January 20, 2023

Could Amazon Become America’s Top Employer of MHA Graduates?

After Amazon already ranked as the world’s largest MBA recruiter, the takeover could very well position Amazon to hire large numbers of MHA graduates during the coming months as well. Here’s why.

Five Emerging Careers in Healthcare Administration (2023) January 17, 2023

Five Emerging Careers in Healthcare Administration (2023)

Healthcare administration is one of the fastest growing careers in the US. But in an increasingly complex and fragmented landscape, healthcare administration is becoming more of an umbrella term than a specific career.

Gift Guide for Healthcare Leaders & Workers (2022) December 12, 2022

Gift Guide for Healthcare Leaders & Workers (2022)

From high-tech innovations to low-key comfort items that can work for nearly anyone, the following list should give you a few suggestions for gifting a healthcare professional in your life during the upcoming holiday season.