Features - What's Happening in Healthcare Administration?

This features section explores career paths, professors to know, industry changes, and other forces shaping the experience of online MHA students. These features cover the realities of pursuing an online degree, including applications tips, internship requirements, scholarship prospects, and advice for finding a job upon graduation.

Check back regularly for updates, including interviews with program administrators, career profiles, and application tips.

A Guide to Leadership Styles in Healthcare May 24, 2022

A Guide to Leadership Styles in Healthcare

You don’t need to be the leader of a healthcare organization in order to have a leadership style: one’s leadership style is an ethos that has applications in team-based roles at every level.

Sleep Labs Director - A Day in the Life April 14, 2022

Sleep Labs Director - A Day in the Life

The only way to definitively diagnose or rule out sleep disorders is with a sleep study. Sleep studies are diagnostic tests that may take place at home or in a sleep lab overnight. The data from studies are analyzed and scored by trained sleep technologists, then reviewed by a sleep physician, who finalizes the interpretation and signs the report.

How to Bill for Concurrent RPM & CCM Codes in a Practice: Part 3 March 22, 2022

How to Bill for Concurrent RPM & CCM Codes in a Practice: Part 3

Outcomes-based reimbursement will become a standard metric with payers, and gaining experience with these code bodies now will be particularly valuable in better preparing leadership for the future of care standards.

How to Implement Chronic Care Management (CCM) Codes in a Clinical Practice: Part 2 March 11, 2022

How to Implement Chronic Care Management (CCM) Codes in a Clinical Practice: Part 2

A commonly cited obstacle is confusion on how the CMS guidelines translate into real-life activity. This series aims to illuminate the boots-on-the-ground logistics to empower practice managers with a basic framework for assessment of the potential value-added within their own practice.

Joining the C-Suite: Top-Paying Positions for Healthcare Executives in 2022 February 9, 2022

Joining the C-Suite: Top-Paying Positions for Healthcare Executives in 2022

The highest-paid people in the healthcare industry are not necessarily doctors. In many settings, they are healthcare executives. According to the New York Times, executive salaries in healthcare saw a considerable increase in the 1990s, and the trend has since continued.

Top Blogs for Healthcare Managers & Administrators (2022) January 10, 2022

Top Blogs for Healthcare Managers & Administrators (2022)

Blogs are a crucial resource for all healthcare managers and administrators. For early-career managers and administrators, they’re a way to access the wisdom of industry veterans; for those at the mid-career stage, they’re a catalyst for organizational innovation; and for veterans, they’re a way to share resources and connect with other thought leaders in the space.

How to Get Started with Billing RPM and CCM Codes in a Clinical Practice: Part 1 November 18, 2021

How to Get Started with Billing RPM and CCM Codes in a Clinical Practice: Part 1

This article aims to help give practice managers a framework for how to wrap their heads around the RPM/CCM code workflow, so they may better decide if it makes sense to take the next step and run a pilot program of their own.

A Guide to Successful Cancer Registry Virtual Management November 3, 2021

A Guide to Successful Cancer Registry Virtual Management

Cancer registries are central to a successful organization's cancer program. From quality metrics tracking to regulatory agencies at the highest level, cancer registries perform essential reporting functions and provide crucial data to drive program decisions. As working remotely becomes more of the norm, organizations must be flexible to the needs of cancer registry professionals to work in a virtual environment.

National Health Care Supply Chain Week 2021: A Leader's Guide September 27, 2021

National Health Care Supply Chain Week 2021: A Leader's Guide

The health care supply chain is the backbone of the modern health care system. It ensures that providers and patients have the resources they need when they need them. As in any supply chain, health care supply chain leaders need to have a keen sense of business acumen, optimizing for efficiency, logistics, cost, and resiliency.